Anyone But Him

Album Cover


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Group Meeting

In our meeting today, we looked at all of our possible track ideas and also spent time searching for other songs as a group. As the song Anyone But Him seems to be our favourite in the group so far, we decided to look at it in some more detail. We went over the basic story behind the song and decided on how we interpreted the song and its lyrics. Here’s our thoughts:
We decided that the overall basic story is that Mr H. dated a girl quite recently but they broke up after they had problems. He then found out that his best friend has now gone behind his back and started dating her – the ultimate betrayal for Mr H. In the song, he is telling his ex that he accepts that she's moved on but doesn't want her to move on with his best friend. Mr H. has now lost his friendship with his best friend who has now become really arrogant (shown in his rap verse later in the song), and at the same time, his girlfriend.

Ideas for the music video visuals:
• We could make the two artists complete contrasts and play on the rivalry through what we actually shoot (shot content – photos, narrative – the girlfriend, them as young kids), the camerawork (slower and faster, high/low angles), location (contrasting backgrounds – black and white) and the editing (eg split screen).
• We thought we could show ECUs and the silhouette of the best friend until he starts his rap verse making him more interesting and building up his profile, to play on his arrogance and cockiness.
• We also thought that we could do flashbacks to the two artists as childhood best friends. This would suggest that they have been lifelong friends and therefore highlights and emphasizes the betrayal.
• We also thought we could cut to shots of the girl a couple of times, and cut to shots of the girl with the new guy.