Anyone But Him

Album Cover


Thursday, October 15, 2009


This week we have been planning our shoot that is going to take place this Sunday. We visited the location that we want to use on Monday and did a location reccy to check its suitability. We liked the way that we could film in two different locations (outside and inside) and we have therefore developed this further and are going to make this contrast a main part of our video. We will place one artist in the outside, urban area and the other will be contrasted in the stark white room inside. This will distinguish them as different artists and will emphasise the conflict between them that we hear in this song.

As planning for the shoot, we gave been working on producing storyboards for tricky sequences in the video to ensure the shots work together, as well as a shooting schedule for the day and a call sheet for our actors.

As well as this planning, we have been developing our ideas for the video. We have decided that we want the conflict to be a main theme in the video and this could be shown through a build up to a confrontation between the two artists at the end of the video. We have also been trying to decide if we want to base our video on performance with narrative or with concept. Our concept ideas are the fact that we are demonstrating a realistic view on human relationships and society which can be shown through the contrasts in location and costume to demonstrate something like rich vs. poor. Or we thought about giving the song more of a storyline and portraying this vividly in the video. Our narrative ideas include things like the two guys as young boys, showing they have been best friends for a long time. As well as including a female actress and showing her with both guys to show that they have both dated her. Then we would show reaction shots of the main guy with things like him looking at old photos of them together etc. we have also discussed other ideas about the technical side to the video. We want to have structured, controlled camera work throughout the video (maybe until the end when it can become more handheld) in order to achieve that high gloss feel. We would contrast this would more handheld camera work at certain points in the video where we need to emphasise emotion. We have also thought about playing around with the focus settings in order to achieve some interesting shots. We have also said we want to include lots of jump cuts in the performance, for example we can have wide high angle shots of the main guy appearing all alone and deserted, and then cutting to a close-up to show his emotion.

So far I think we are on track and well prepared for our shoot later this week.