Anyone But Him

Album Cover


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Shoot (Narrative)

We had a shoot yesterday where we filmed the narrative shots that are going to be in our video. We had planned to do quite a few shots, but a lot of these didn't work out on the day. This is because the actors found it quite difficult to do and we had to film when it was dark so we had some lighting issues even though we were inside. However after capturing the footage, I think we still have enough footage that we can use in the video.

We also made a decision to put the narrative shots in black and whites too (these were going to be in colour but it didnt look right), as well as adding the effect of a slight camera blurr and slow motion to distinguish it from the rest of the video. Another idea suggested was to put a white circle around the edges of the shots to achieve that dreamlike effect. We thought this was a good idea and represents the fact that it is Daniel who is thinking back to these moments.

Today we have also managed to come up with an artist name which we were really struggling with. But after playing around with the idea 'Tainted Dream's', we have come up with 'TainteD' where the 'T' and 'D' represent the artist names, which are 'Tyler' an 'Daniel.'