Anyone But Him

Album Cover


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Since our last shoot, we have been concentrating on editing the video. We have made some changes such as deciding to do the performance part of the video in black and white, with the narrative in faded colour. The relevance of the black and white is to show that we are documenting the relationship of them now, and this will be distinguished from the narrative which tells the background story and will be shown in colour, but faded to show that it is a memory. We are also going to experiment with split screen to make the narrative more interesting and we can show two perspectives through this.

We have also made a decision about the artists themselves, and after much discussion, we have decided to make them a duo rather than two seperate artists with one featuring on the track, which we had planned before. However, as the two artists are so different, we thought we could play on this, with regards to the album cover and their name. An idea for an album cover name is ‘Blurring Boundaries.’ The idea behind this is that these two guys are coming together through music, and breaking new ground, as they are so different. We have also tested images for the album cover and have come up with an idea that reflects the album name and is a close-up image of the two guys with their heads joined and blurred together.

Our plan now is to finalise a band name for them, and then start working on the MySpace. We must also plan the other images that we want for the album, as well as plan the shoot that we are doing on Tuesday for the narrative part. We are going to create a schedule for the next week so that we know exactly what we are doing and can therefore work more efficiently to get everything completed in time.